About us

This is where  it starts type anything your heart desires which is currently is locked up in another.   time it spins circulation of blood through the beats of it.  i feel it like phantom pain.  my chest is hollow.  its occupied by another.  being held like dual engines being used gently making its rhythmic pumps keep it alive.  the space where it is supposed to be stands a knot of tissue attached to my spinal cord instinctively forcing the brain to simulate being alive.  have been searching for it.  that lump of sinew which embraces the language of passion.  the electric carnival radiates my division of self and love.  a fucking ferris wheel of horses spinning without purpose. no one riding them ...it...shocks do come when hearts rise and smiles and feels like a party which  only rains when silly clicks and absorbed loving nonsense radiates eyeball vibrates signal waves keeping this alive, it alive while occupancy quite shared more contained in anothers.  basking in sunlight,  angel phosphorescents, lunar baths, and my essence... feel again jumping beans of faith.  the heart IT completed.   


is translucent or happened anyways, may, came and only making it most joyous. fiends and juiced dreams;  The occasion is for once a year.  comparative to birth, a re allowing of handed options.

Ah to be broken!  Broken tables and broken windows, then never mattered, And the day it never came you break!  Solid evidence that we are flawed and mushy.  You plant that seed and watch it grow, when it does the bud color changes, every season feeling different last time Im afraid

Latch on with tiny precision, let it go, never mind the statements presented on record;  Experience just might subdue doubt but only when convuenent, plastering a base on statements found.  almost craft into a nonsense cracker dipped into nugget sauce.  Reasons may be dead on arrival. 


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