sorry Canada
Getting you your happy home
You sit in a fucking tub the ones who don't know how to get out its a shame you all figure to just stay in there for the drains don't work and you all have been sitting in the filth for so long it seriously is starting to make me wonder why you decided to get in them in the first place because when I first looked at the tubs they were full the drain didn't work and it was fucking nasty but nooooo you had to get in there and actually sit down in it them sit for an obscenely long time somehow making them even more gross and by the look on your faces you actually like it and also makes all of the others who also know about the tub situation very nervous due to the fact for one they got to see as well how disgusting the tubs all were and two was the fact your eyeballs seemed to gleam with horror as in enjoying the backrooms. Time and time again they travel through and through to choose another foul tub to sit and lay in. These tubs have always been and as people like convenience they are located in a hidden far away place that sadly had to be protected for things always get out of control. The ones who know about this place are always a perfect and cosmic choice for it is not for everybody. In former times Millions was the status but beyond the efforts of those who protect it simply became overrun and quick decisions had to be made and the choice beyond all there feelings was to make Billions. The spiraling occasion was truly never destined to happen until one Small young witch watched as a final tub in the corner get filled and none were left. Truth a door lie locked for all eternity if such an occasion but the little witch girl seen a vision of the actual 'lobby' of this sacred place get over run. The adult witches made the decision with grave understanding but followed their fellow coven members advice,
During this time of grave importance one individual became aware of a vale which is placed on all those who wish to enter through the doors and the eldest witch caught immediate sensations of this and summoned them in instantly. Interestingly it was a female for an incredible amount of males find themselves in this sacred hall of tubs. The eldest witch looked in her eyes and didn't see the gleam. "Why are you here darling? This place is for degenerates and the like. You are a beautiful young lady. Again why are you here?". The young lady smiled and curtsied then reaching her sewn in pocket on the dress she was wearing pulled out a small gemstone. "My name is Sheena. This stone has been talking to me my whole childhood. It stopped the moment I turned 18. The point is that this stone sent me here exactly now. I knew this day was coming just didn't know what hour. This stone prevented me from getting a job. Having friends. Having a.." . Sheena choked up and began violently crying. The eldest witch put her hand on Sheena's shoulder. "I understand child.". Just then Sheena turned 16 and stopped crying. "What do you mean child? I am a 40 year old woman." Sheena's childish face crinkled with fury that is until she looked in a mirror, delicately summoned by the youngest member. The reborn child couldn't believe it. Sheena looked at her dress as it flowed off her like a blanket. Her hair was always so shiny as time dulled her hair which she hated the most. She ran her fingers through it letting each strand fall between. She slipped the dress off and a middle witch who was old enough to be five grandmothers created a most magnificent witches garb from the finest silk, rarest stones, purples in all shades, and a hat special for a ceremonial but this occasion demanded she wear this hat for all time.
"How have you done this?". Sheena asks her voice now higher pitched and very confident. "We are witches my dear. The youngest one there her name is Jade. She is 230 years old. The witch there who actually made you the dress you are wearing her name is Vera. She is 487 years old. I my dear am named Aena and don't know my age. I was never young in my memory and never have questioned why. We knew you were coming Sheena. You witnessed outside our doors the mass of people who happened to make their own hearts desire succumb to this place. Sheena dear. What you are witnessing is not actual individuals. These are their souls. Their physical bodies are still walking around and doing what they do, I am afraid you are here physically Sheena. And you will never age again.". Sheena sat down on the ground where she was standing. Put her hands on her face. She looked up to see Jade smiling and holding out her hand. "It's okay Sheena. I had found a stone too when I was little. I understand.". Jade pulled Sheena to her feet. Vera floated her way over to look at Sheena in the dress attire she had made. "You are the most beautiful witch I have ever seen. In fact you remind me of myself when I was younger." Sheena's face turned pale. She heard the words, 'witch I have ever seen' and asked, "So has there been other witches with stones then. You said I was the most beautiful witch you have ever seen?". Vera smiled and was moved at the quick correlation. "Yes. You definitely remind me of myself. Sheena dear. I see all witches everywhere in the universe. You little lady are a special one.". Jade looked at her with wide sparkling eyes. Aena grabbed Sheena's hand and squeezed it tight. "Us four witches are going to save the Earth. And as you are about to see, the reason why so many participants are outside this door, it is for a bath in a tub.".
Vera waved her hand and a perfect bedroom nook was created right before Sheena's eyes. "Wipe those tears kid. Go see where you will be sleeping and the best part is you can decorate it anyway you like.". Sheena truly did feel like a kid again. Whatever she had built up for self at 40 was no longer. A meaningful joy in which she hadn't felt until her own Grandmother had passed away. She was the only one in Sheena's life who mattered. For some reason it felt like she was there in the room with her. A mirror hang on the wall in the freshly made room. Vera motioned her to go look at it. "There is no reflection and yet I can clearly tell it is a mirror. What's it for?". Vera hands her a hairbrush and a bobby pin. "This is a gift from your Grandmother dear. When she died our Maker sent us a physical note and these two items. We weren't to know your gender for our Maker has a funny sense of humor and we often joked if you would be a male. When I seen the hairbrush we kinda knew it would be a lady. The letter speaks so fond of you. Your Grandmother must have been wonderful for I couldn't tell your gender even in the letter. That is rare. You can only see yourself while brushing your hair in this mirror. As you do so you must pray for what you need. Then put the pin in your hair for it seals all evil from your heart. What we do is not easy I must warn you. The three of us before you showed our Maker knew we were getting worn out, Even perfection has flaws when a generation decides to gamble our actual existence. " . Sheena put the brush to her hair and said a simple prayer. She came into view of herself in the mirror and noticed Vera as well in the reflection. "When you told me that those weren't physical bodies I knew what the stone was telling me in childhood. It told me a day before I turned 18 that the purpose of my future to not do anything but pay attention to my Grandmother and the dumb neighbors who never moved was because something so evil was to come that maybe even the Maker themselves would need help. It said three others 'have' stones which told me I didn't know if there were others. It said that when I turn 40 on any hour within that year I would be summoned to a place which seems real but is somewhere else. I simply asked why me. It said that I had the only heart on the entire Earth which resembled hope. The stone was meant for my Grandmother but her strength was tied complete with the past and was missing a generational gap which cannot be taught sincerely once dead. So when my Grandmother died I figured soon after this would happen. But better question is. Why can I see you in the reflection?". Vera floated next to Sheena's side. "We all use the same mirror my dear. Just because mine is in my bedroom doesn't mean it's not in yours.". Sheena smiled her first real childish smile. More genuine than the ones she had in childhood. She could be a young girl again. And she knew a mirror was a mirror is a mirror.
The three witches Aena, Vera, and Jade summoned Sheena from her room after about 5 hours of alone time to adjust and be known all to herself with no hearing from the three. This is important. The only real defense they all have now as four is their actual private thoughts and feelings. This is so they can never tell on each other. What they pray for is never discussed for each of them deal with variety of deplorable things. In fact they harbor the 7 deadly sins. What gets misconstrued is its not 7 at all but an umbrella of sins which make up the 7 and they build in all sorts. Jade as the youngest decided to do the ceremonial speech. "It would seem unfortunate at the age of 40 to have all those previous years be told to stand fast and wait a while for reasons you couldn't imagine. As you heard Vera is very old and the same fate begot her. As is me but I was 58 and those years you couldn't imagine for it wasn't modern times like you had experienced. Poor Aena didn't have a childhood recollection and has never questioned or searched with our powers to find out why. You Sheena have been chosen by the Maker for your pure heart. The Makers intentions are always clear and even with sins it would be clear that he wash them away but not before they witness their souls take free will and if those souls choose a path which is not righteous the individual will not witness their sins but rather get a bath. In a tub. They will sit in this tub util they are clean. If the physical body on Earth doesn't change its ways it's body will remain in the bathtub and it will get dirty. Our job is to make sure they get clean and get out. What we do down here will effect them on Earth. We are not perfect but we are the last hope any person can have to wash their sins. If we fail it is not our fault for their hearts desire will always be strongest even if it is for evil. That is why we can remain happy after all these years because at least we know it isn't on us truly to get them clean its the effort we can make them see to change that matters. This is our job Sheena. You have already seen the tub area you just didn't see the tubs. Outside our door is where the cleansing happens. And I Jade witnessed the last tub get filled. When you showed up the second you did Aena made a Billion more tubs. This wasn't suppose to happen. They will fill up quickly but in the meantime welcome to your first day. Put your big girl panties on and you go and open the door child. And don't worry. Nothing can see you in there just us three and who you decide to help. Me and the ladies have figured out how to clean Millions at a time its just when there are 999 Million it gets to be a hassle. Hence why you are here! Enough talk from me. Open it up!".
Sheena turned the knob on the giant wooden door. She began to wonder what kind of place this was and where it might be. How is it that witches run it and how all of a sudden she was supposed to be this spectacular witch. With no weight at all the door pushes open and with no sound. At first is was quiet unlike the seen she had witnessed before. Where she stood was loud and sweaty. A non stop hum of odd laughing and other noises which sounded dark and cold. She could hear Jade behind her saying, 'Don't be scared. Go right in', and just like that Sheena took in the view. A billion plus bodies all herded like cattle yet none of them seemed to care. All four stood on a balcony which towered over the whole scene connected by one stairwell which was the size of a football stadium. All marble stairs which paraded down into the madness. "Why didn't I see this before?" Sheena asks no witch in particular. Aena spoke up. "You see Sheena they all have what is called a vale. Just like at a wedding the bride wears one to symbolize not seeing the groom before they get married. Everyone of these souls has a special vale and they see only what they need to see.". Sheena nods her head. Adjusts her hat. Brushes off her special dress a bit. "So this is Purgatory huh?". Vera answers this time. "You could call it that I suppose but it's more of a weigh station before purgatory. Souls that get to travel immediately to Purgatory are usually stupid. I know not nice but its the only nice way to say this. Billions of people means a Billion chances not to learn anything appropriate. All these souls are well aware of what they are doing. Yet our Maker is giving them all one chance to make it right before they die. Otherwise this is most likely their eternity. Wide awake, fully aware, sitting in a dirty tub all alone. I've seen a few million rare cases where a family member way down the line can pray them out. But it's so rare we cannot just focus on that. Suppose that is what a miracle is down here. Because it's all we get. That and us having you.". Sheena started to turn bright red for we all know teenagers hate compliments! "I'm ready for my first day everyone! Lets go pick my first person.". Sheena then felt a hand grasp hers and she looked to her right and see all of her new friends standing in a line, holding hands as well. Aena was next to Sheena then Vera and Jade at the end. Naturally and without misstep the four walked down the marble stairwell. As they neared the chaos an obvious opening veered off to the left and this leads to where the Tubs are. It was as if Sheena knew where to go. She didn't fight it or even wonder why. When she walked off the final step with her new sisters she did notice a big opening off to the left of the whole ordeal with nothing occupying it. Vera then spoke up. "There are three sections to our wonderful piece of heaven. Our home of course. This section where all the new participants show up and assume they are getting a 'Bath', (Vera used very obvious finger air quotes here), and as you are so naturally heading us is where the Tubs are.". Sheena inhaled a deep breath and noticed it felt like breathing but so perfect that it wasn't like breathing at all. She breathed in heavier again and held her breath for what seemed like two quiet minutes. She could hear Jade giggling in the back because it sounded like an adorable childs chuckle like when someone hits their head or falls down. "What's so funny Jade?" Sheena says this with the best teenager snark she could muster. It has been a while. "I just know you are practicing holding your breath because that's the first thing I noticed as well when I arrived. And yes hint. We don't need to breathe but it feels wonderful for our hearts because that is what it's used to. Everything works the same but it's just a pleasant placebo affect to warm our human souls. ". Sheena took a minute to absorb all this. 'She said human souls yet we are witches. Don't need to breathe but its good for the heart.'. "Jade?". Now Sheena could hear both Aena and Vera laughing a little bit. "Yes Sheena?". They all stop for a moment. "Am I dead? Or are we truly some kind of Witch Angels?". Vera immediately speaks up. "Witch Angels! I like that one. No dear you aren't dead and neither are we. I will explain more in a bit but we are about to walk into the tub area. There will be nudity so don't be alarmed. Shame is a sin so nothing about being prude in here. It may seem overwhelming because it's opposite of the former room with noise. This place is dead quiet. Nothing can see you until you physically touch a tub with all 5 fingers. This is the only way to initiate our duty. Once the tub is touched Aena will be there to guide you. All you get is one time with each of us before you are on your own. For when I entered Aena guided me three times and that is all I needed to learn. We pray the same for you Sheena.". When Vera finished talking Sheena noticed the same door like the one that exits the Home. Once more she did a heavy breath and turned the knob.
The cosmically large room smelt like roses. Not even the most perfectly aware being would want to handle a task this daunting and have to smell what that room smells like. And for good reason that nothing but the Maker themselves know the scent of a willing dying soul. There was no ceiling. The bathtubs they lined in rows like department store isles. True there were seven lines but in each section lie every variation of every deadly sin. Each individual has a specific intention attached to their major sin and if it can be relieved then that person can be saved. For instance if Gluttony is the persons major sin then many things could stand why as food isn't just a cause for this as everyone should know. Sheena looked around noticing 7 rows of seemingly infinite stretch of Tubs. A big waft of roses hit her olfactory gently reminding her of Grandmothers bathroom. It was as if Grandma was preparing her life as well to do this. It raised her new found 16 year old confidence knowing she would have to pick a sin. Like a voice in her head Gluttony came to mind for as sins go, this would seem the most tame to start with considering the others really are super terrible. "Aena. I would like to choose Gluttony first.". Vera let out a 'Hmph", because she didn't get to choose her first sin like even Jade did. Jade let out a booming, "I knew it! I knew she was going to 'Hmph" and fold her arms like she did with me!.". Aena smiled her soft smile and justly stated, "They were different times back then Jade. Now don't be setting cute examples for Sheena now. She might become more adorable than you.". Jade curtsied and thanked Aena. For all complements from each other get acknowledged. "Good choice Sheena for a begging sin. Interestingly Gluttony is the hardest to fight because in a way it encompasses all the other 6 sins as well. Sister Vera I had chose Sloth first because of it's name sake of slow. You my dear are full of gusto and even Jade chose Pride because she thought it would be the hardest now we laugh because it was a bit of Pride which got her to choose. You are quite special for I noticed your heart picked Gluttony for you truly are pure and it knows that after we finish with who you choose, you, might not need assistance from your lovely sisters.
Sheena walked down the tub hall by herself as instructed by Aena. Tub one was a man in his late 50's with a look on his face which confused Sheena so much she almost forgot she even ended up here. The mans' eyeballs were so glazed over it was as if he took all the drugs ever known. His lips curled upwards in a most horrendous grin making sad clowns cry even harder. The hair on his head was soaking wet but not of bathtub water but of sweat that beaded up everywhere on his face and it looked so oily that the beads looked like the texture of bacon grease. No hands could be seen present for they were laid down on his lap in the dirty water. And if you could call it water that it didn't present in Sheenas' eyes. She had seen still dead water before in swamp areas. Goosebumps physically grew on her arms yet no temperature could be felt. She decided to move on down the line and ignore some Tubs for a moment. This was going to be her job she knew this. Might as well feel for something she thought. A good pass of time went by. Her dress felt like something was pulling it and sure enough the current Tub next to her had a younger man
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